Sexual Health after the treatment of Prostate Cancer

One of the most commonly observed types of cancer observed and treated is Prostate Cancer. However, according to efficient doctors associated with NU Hospital rated as the best men’s sexual health treatment hospital in Bangalore , prostate cancer and the subsequent treatment can impact sexual activity in men. It could range from losing the desire to have a sexual intercourse to erectile dysfunction. Before we get into the link between prostate cancer and sexual activity, it would be good for us to understand a little bit about prostate cancer. The Prostate Gland and Prostate Cancer Experienced urologists working with NU Hospital, the best prostate cancer management hospital in Bangalore , describe the prostate gland as a male reproductive organ that is located around the urethra, the outlet tube for urine, just below the bladder. The surface of the gland is usually smooth and regular. The prostate is about the size of a walnut. What is Prostate Cancer? According to seasoned medical exp...